Macro runa_core::globals

source ·
macro_rules! globals {
        __internal, $ctx:ty, $(#[$attr:meta])* ($($vis:tt)?) enum $N:ident { $($var:ident($f:ty)),+ $(,)? }
    ) => { ... };
        type ClientContext = $ctx:ty;
        $(#[$attr:meta])* pub enum $N:ident { $($var:ident($f:ty)),+ $(,)? }
    ) => { ... };
        type ClientContext = $ctx:ty;
        $(#[$attr:meta])* enum $N:ident { $($var:ident($f:ty)),+ $(,)? }
    ) => { ... };
Expand description

Generate a corresponding Objects enum from a Globals enum.


globals! {
   type ClientContext = ClientContext;
   pub enum Globals {

The name Globals and Objects can be changed.

This will generate a From<Variant> for Globals for each of the variants of Globals. And for each global, a From<Global::Object> for Objects will be generated.

Objects will be filled with variants from Global::Object for each of the globals. It can also contain extra variants, for object types that aren’t associated with a particular global.